GREAT FOR PARTIES AND ADULT GAMES NIGHT.End up with characters like: a famous musician that owns your favorite sports team, but wears a diaper because it’s “more convenient”. After all Perks are read, beginning the player to the Single's left, each player plays a Red Flag onto the player to their left, for some pretty interesting developments in their characters and backstories. WATCH OUT FOR THOSE RED FLAGS! This is where the plot thickens.Using what they know about the Single, these matchmakers will pick two Perks to create the best date possible for The Single, then take turns reading the cards out loud to the table. Everyone else draws FOUR Perks and THREE Red Flags each. Each round gets one ‘single’ player, who will act as judge for the round. It’s the perfect matchmaking set up… until the other players introduce Red Flags to try and sabotage another player's hot date. Your goal is to use Perks to create the ultimate date for The Single. Red Flags is an adult party game about convincing your friends to go on terrible dates. SAME RED FLAGS GAME, NEW LOOK, NEW PRINT FROM JACK DIRE STUDIOS!.